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League of Devils 0.95.1205.09
Qcplay Limited.
【Game Introduction】League of Devils is a Mobile RPG Game with a completelyanti-traditional storyline--you play a character who is officiallya "devil". Living in the underground world, the player learnsvarious and very interesting abilities (devil abilities are alwaysmore fun) and fight those humans of so-called justice.【Facebook】Groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/leagueofdevils/HomePage: https://www.facebook.com/leagueofdevils【Class Introduction】Cyclops - the giant warrior in the abyss. With strong body, hisbrave and tenacious ensures his success in a hammer against anyenemies. Besides, they can use Cyclopic Beam to give enemies a hardblow. Good at field control, have lots of single target restrictskill. Good at single target DPS at earlier stage but weak groupdefence. At the later stage mainly fight on 6v6, single target DPSwill be quite useless. Moreover, his poor defence can’t protectteammate, even himself. Difficulty: 9Vampire - elegant and flexible, killers during the midnight, kingsduring the nightfall, they are able to learn swords and dark magicand good at beating to the draw. They are the dark warrior with themost balanced rating. More like assassin, own the fastest speed andthe highest dodge in this game. Have good AOE ability in thebeginning, in the later stage, have extremely explosive power onsingle target attack. Balance on both attack and defence. She isthe best choice for who enjoy defeat enemy in the critical momentby a wave of explosive attack. Difficulty: 3Akuma - the spirit of a martyr. He was respectable when he wasalive. After he died, he turned into a ghost hero. He owns theability to combine magic and swords. Best MT, have lots of Buff,powerful on single fight. Very strong in the earlier stage. Butlack of skill to attack back row energy made every battle prolongedat later stage. Difficulty: 7Witch - the cute devil protecting the source of hell magic. Theyare born with powerful magic. They are best at magic about thunderand ice. And they can control the Death to sweep enemies. Witch ismore about supporting. Best choice for non-cash player.【Features】*Innovative World Design of a Floating "Avatar" MapThe unique and original map design is its specialty-earth that isfloating in the midair and is consisted of hexagonal bricks thatonly appear one by one when you step on the brick right next tothem. There are various unpredictable bricks will surely bring youlots of fun during fighting.*5 Races of Devils to Choose with Distinctive Character andSkillThe Classes are completely anti-traditional character amongVampire, Cyclops, Ghost Knight, Fairy and Mummy. No matter what youchoose, you will feel refreshing in League of Devils.*Astonishing Comic-Style Battle EffectsThere are over 999 pets with different attributes and skills tomake the battles strategic. You will use various strategiccombinations of different pets and skills to display your wisdom inturn-based battle. And the lively comic figures also give the fightmore fun.*Turn into Frenzy Mode in ArenaThere is a system set up within the game that will show the ranksof the top players in the Arena. In frenzy mode, you need tochallenge 10 random players in a row. Once you win all of them, youwill get higher points; you will be at the higher rank. BothVictory and Glory belong to you.What you wait for? Do not hesitate to join in League of Devilsto experience more fun and more features in person.Welcome to send us your precious suggestion to perfect our game.Our goal is to make League of Devils bring more fun in your life.Please feel free to contact our Support Team if you have anyopinion or advice.Support mailbox: gm_loden@qcplay.com
女神三國志(国际版) 0.70.0107.09
Qcplay Limited.
恶魔联盟(简体版) 0.96.0522.09
Qcplay Limited.
这是全球首款玩家扮演恶魔,组建恶魔军团,撕毁虚伪人类正义的RPG游戏。恶魔联盟 - League of Devils 游戏介绍:来吧!在恶魔联盟中,你就是深渊地狱的领主,带领你的恶魔们去抗击人类和天堂的进攻,撕毁虚伪的正义,在此一战!恶魔联盟完全是免费的!而且每日进入游戏可以完成各种每日任务获取丰厚的钻石奖励,可以用来升级使魔、回复体力、提升血统等。Facebook粉丝专区 https://www.facebook.com/lodevilsFacebook恶魔交友区 https://www.facebook.com/groups/lodcn/! 你也可以在Facebook中搜索“League of Devils”找到专区-----------------------------------------恶魔联盟 - League of Devils 游戏特色:。游戏拥有庞大的世界观和与众不同的故事情节,世人皆知的天使消灭恶魔、正义战胜邪恶、英雄拯救世界的情节在这里已不再适用,你将作为魔族的一员,与迪亚波罗、巴尔、墨菲斯托等著名的魔王一同对抗天使与人类大军的入侵。。 玩家通过探索和努力实现“神迹降临”,整个世界最强大力量的各种恶魔就会加入麾下。。 激动人心的就是副本探险任务了。从中可以获得各种高级装备、技能、使魔等,开启更多特殊功能。。 超过五百个不同难度的关卡及探索人物,逐步揭开魔神世界的神秘面纱。。 每天有丰富的活动,让玩家有更多机会强化使魔,获得更高级的装备和技能。 综合了神、魔、人的众多怪物和背景,让玩家能体会到庞大而充满探索欲望的新世界。! 恶魔联盟等待你的加入,来自地狱深渊的魔神将由你带领,去碾碎虚伪的正义吧!恶魔联盟的粉丝专区 - 想收到最新消息和各种精彩活动,请到我们的 Facebook 赞好,或是加入恶魔们的交友区。粉丝专区 https://www.facebook.com/lodevils恶魔交友区 https://www.facebook.com/groups/lodcn/! 你也可以在Facebook中搜索“League of Devils”找到专区-----------------------------------------恶魔联盟 League of Devils 故事背景:「创世战争」持续了一万三千年,最终以地狱的“恐惧之王”迪亚波罗、“毁灭之王”巴尔与“憎恨之王”墨菲斯托三兄弟联手击败了五位至高天使,迫使高阶天堂做出妥协,签订了以分而治理地上世界为条件的停战协定。在创世战争之后,天使的高层们逐渐也接受了与地狱和平相处。但好景不长,天使当中出现了以支配世上一切创造物为目的激进派,他们组成了名为“安格里斯委员会”的军事组织,以“战争大天使”伊姆帕里斯与“正义大天使”泰瑞尔为代表人物,预谋着对地狱的侵略战争而此时地狱却处于最为动乱的魔王混战之中,对此情况完全无防备。终于,在伊姆帕里斯与泰瑞尔的指挥之下,天堂联合神圣王国及其他势力向地狱发起了蓄谋已久代号为“原罪制裁”的突袭,这场突袭瞬间摧毁了地狱在地上世界九成以上的据点,并入侵到了地狱本土,攻占了地狱一半以上的领地。地狱前线主力因支援断绝与物质匮乏而全线败退,七大魔王中的四位战死,本土几乎全境沦陷,战争的天平完全向天堂方倾斜。所幸的是,在本土防御战最危急的时候,恐惧之王迪亚波罗从乱军之中打开了一跳退路,使得地狱最后的战力得以保存。突围之后的迪亚波罗,联合他的另外两个兄弟巴尔与墨菲斯托,呼吁地狱各势力放下互相的偏见,共同对抗侵略者,通过这个理念组成了地狱联盟-查尔斯。他们将剩下的所有魔族军队全部转移到了险要的地狱堡,并以此为根据地开展抵抗侵略行动。经过数月的死守与反击,地狱堡垒的魔族军已经成功击退四次联军的围剿,并从人类的监牢营救出大量被俘虏的魔族。但这样也使得高阶天堂逐渐发现这个潜在的威胁,于是泰瑞尔督促人类组成了一只数量庞大的讨伐军,准备一举将地狱堡垒歼灭,新的传说篇章就此开始……还在等待什么,期待有你的加入带领地狱恶魔们反攻吧!【《恶魔联盟》相关连结】Facebook粉丝专区 https://www.facebook.com/lodevilsFacebook恶魔交友区 https://www.facebook.com/groups/lodcn/
เทพธิดา3ก๊ก(3D RPG) 0.90.0925.18
Qcplay Limited.
"เทพธิดา 3ก๊ก" เป็นเกม 3DMMORPGตามที่นวนิยายคลาสสิกของจีน เป็นเกมขนาดใหญ่ที่ใช้เวลา 3ปีในการสร้าง ซึ่งใช้เทคโนโลยีพิเศษ 3D maxท่ี่นำมาผสมผสานกับเหล่าเทพธิดาเพื่อให้การเล่นเกมเป็นที่น่าตื่นเต้นนอกจากนี้ยังเต็มไปด้วยคุณภาพที่สมบูรณ์แบบมีเรื่องราวคล้ายกับภาพยนตร์คุณจะได้สนุกเพลิดเพลินไปกับตัวเกม 4Dที่เปรียบเสมือนกับสถานการณ์จริงในปี 2014เป็นเกมที่ได้รับความนิยมสูงสุด!และในเร็วๆนี้เหล่าเทพธิดาจะได้ลงมาโลดเล่นในตัวเกมพร้อมกับคุณ[สนุกในการฆ่ากัน] ตัวเกมสมจริง!ทำให้ผู้เล่นตื่นเต้นเร้าใจกับความสนุก!เลือดกระจายทุกห้าก้าว!ตัดกายเป็นสองส่วน! โชว์หัวของคนที่ตัดมา!เผากระดูกเป็นขี้เถ้า,อยากจะทำ อะไรก็ได้[วิสัยทัศน์] เป็นการใช้เทคโนโลยี 3Dmaxเกมแรกของโลกรวมไปถึงมีสไตล์ภาพอันงดงามของเกมบนมือถือ[วิธีสร้างตัวเกม]เป็นการรวบรวมวัฒนธรรมและการพัฒนารูปแบบที่มีความสัมพันธ์กันโดยตัวผู้เล่นเองจะได้รับความอิสระในการสร้างขุนพลสามก๊กที่เราชอบ[ความตั้งใจของการสร้างเกม] มีทีมงานสร้างเกมระดับสูง ใช้เวลา3ปีในการทุ่มเทสร้างตัวเกมด้วยความตั้งใจ"Goddess 3 Kingdoms" isa3D MMORPG based on the classic Chinese novel. The big gamethattakes three years to build, which uses special technology tobeintegrated with the 3D max Goddess to make the game asexciting.It's also packed with perfect quality. There is a storysimilar tothe movie You will have fun, enjoy the game 4D is likethe realsituation in 2014, the game is the most popular! And soon,theGoddess will come down to jump in the game with you.[Fun to kill] a real game! A player with fun andexcitement!Distribution of blood every five steps! Cut the bodyinto twoparts! Show one's head cut! Ashes to ashes, I willdoanything.[Vision] is used 3Dmax first game of the world, includingaspectacular visual style of the game on mobile.[How to create a game] is a collection of cultural and formedarelationship. The players themselves will be free. To createawarlord of the Three Kingdoms that we like.[The intention of creating a game] is a high-levelteam-buildinggame took 3 years to create a game with theintentiondedication.
Ares Virus 1.0.9
Qcplay Limited.
Should we be kind and honest or follow the instinct to survive inthe doomsday?
最强蜗牛 - 三周年庆典 0.11.230912.07-0.7.45
Qcplay Limited.
Forbidden City Linkage, 3rd Anniversary New Server, LimitedBenefits
Gumballs & Dungeons(G&D) 0.49.220420.03-4.22.15
Qcplay Limited.
Third anniversary of this Classic Roguelike Adventure & RPGgame.
Ares Virus : Survival
Qcplay Limited.
Collect, craft and combat! Anything to survive among the dead inthe apocalypse!
Super Snail
Qcplay Limited.
A collect & grow type of game that includes distinctiveidlegame elements.